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Products of the NIMBioS Working Group: Food Web Dynamics


Massol et al. 2017. How life-history traits affect ecosystem properties: effects of dispersal in meta-ecosystems. Oikos, 126(4): 532. [Online]

Gravel D, Massol F, Leibold MA. 2016. Stability and complexity in model meta-ecosystems. Nature Communications, 7: 12457. [Online]

Koffel T, Daufresne T, Massol F, Klausmeier CA. 2016. Geometrical envelopes: Extending graphical contemporary niche theory to communities and eco-evolutionary dynamics. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 407: 271-289. [Online]

Elser JJ, Loladze I, Peace AL, Kuang Y. 2012. Lotka re-loaded: Modeling trophic interactions under stoichiometric constraints. Ecological Modelling, 245: 3-11. [Online]

Elser J, Kuang Y. 2011. Ecological Stoichiometry. In: Hastings A, Gross L (eds.), Sourcebook in Theoretical Ecology, University of California Press. [Online]

Loladze I, Elser JJ. 2011. The origins of the Redfield nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratio are in a homeostatic protein:rRNA ratio. Ecology Letters, 14: 244-250. [Online]

Massol F, Gravel D, Mouquet N, Cadotte MW, Fukami T, Leibold MA. 2011. Linking community and ecosystem dynamics through spatial ecology. Ecology Letters, 14(3): 313-323. [Online]


Kuang Y. January 2011. What we eat matters: Resource quality dynamics and its implications. Colloquium Talk, North Carolina State University. Raleigh, NC.

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From 2008 until early 2021, NIMBioS was supported by the National Science Foundation through NSF Award #DBI-1300426, with additional support from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
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