Minutes - UTK Faculty Senate Budget and Planning Committee meeting of August 28, 2015 Prepared by L. Gross - September 8, 2015 (Revised Oct 5, 2014) In attendance: Louis Gross (Chair), Vice Chancellor Chris Cimino, Jennifer Franklin, Michael Fry, Phyllis Thompson. After brief introductions, the meeting followed in part the outline of topics sent prior to the meeting by the Chair. 1. C. Cimino brought up the issue of fiscal policy and faculty input to it. This arose from a response L. Gross provided on a System draft Fiscal Policy over the summer. The general issue is to identify a procedure to ensure faculty input to proposed System Fiscal, IT and other policies. As we left it, C. Cimino would monitor proposed System fiscal and HR policy changes for items that directly impact academic units and provide updates to the B&P committee. This is a short-term solution until the Chancellor's Cabinet discusses a governance structure for vetting both System and Campus policies. 2. Campus policies - C. Cimino noted that there is no central repository of UTK campus policies and governance, nor published structure to review these. As review of campus policies is developed, it was decided we should ask the Chancellor to ensure that there is faculty representation in the process. 3. Role of faculty in the campus action plan and the new Business Model development ongoing at the System. It is not clear when a campus action plan will be going to the Board of Trustees, and it would be best for the Senate to request input to the campus plan prior to any draft release. We should also ask the University Faculty Council how we and other Senates might provide input to the Business Model planning. 4. Outsourcing - C. Cimino is on the Statewide Committee on Outsourcing and at this point it is expected that each campus will have the ability to make its own decision about joining any proposed outsourcing contract. He will let us know if action by the Committee may be appropriate. 5. Athletics funding - Regarding the request about how the $6M in additional revenue from the SEC contract will be allocated, it was note that the current procedure is that the Chancellor will make annual decisions about any funding from Athletics that might be applied to other UTK needs. We decided to invite Brett Huebner, Athletics CFO, to another meeting in early 2016 to discuss funding. C. Cimino noted that the Chancellor is not opposed to evaluating the possibility of an overhead charge for Athletics, but such a charge will not happen this year. Regarding Athletics salaries and associated inequities, the Committee decided not to invest any additional time discussing it this year. 6. Gender inequity and salary analysis. L. Gross provided an update on the Governors Chairs and Chairs of Excellence. There are now 15 Chairs of Excellence at UTK, none of which is held by a female. The Committee decided to formally request that the Provost provide the data to again carry out an analysis of faculty salaries as was done previously to ascertain whether there continue to be other, broader, inequities beyond the statistical evidence from Chairs of Excellence. 7. Living Wage analysis - it was decided that this is really an issue for the Employee Relations Council to pursue rather than the Senate though the Committee will assist as appropriate. 8. Faculty salary analysis - M. Fry volunteered to investigate the differences in salary data in the various reports provided to the Senate. L. Gross will provide these. 9. Input on campus budgeting - C. Cimino described the current campus procedures through which the Chancellor has a Cabinet meeting with all Vice Chancellors as well as meetings with each VC individually, including one with the Provost after she has met with the Deans. Last year the B&P Chair attended one meeting of the Chancellor and the Cabinet. The budget document prepared by the College of Engineering each year was suggested as a possible model for enhanced budget transparency at the College level.