EcoBeaker Lab #1 - February 10-13 Part A: Oil Spills and Logistic Bacteria Part B: Competitive Exclusion Principle Objectives: Part A: 1. Introduce concept of crude population growth rate and specific population growth rate 2. Determine experimentally the effect of initial population size on growth rates. 3. Determine experimentally the effect of varying efficiency of food use on population growth rates. Part B: 1. Introduce competitive exclusion principle and determine whether it holds for an experimental situation. 2. Determine effects of varying initial population sizes of competitors and resource availability on which competitor survives. 3. Determine conditions under which two or more species with similar food requirements can coexist. Procedures: Part A: 1. Open the situation file Oil Spills and run the situation a few times to see the response of bacteria (resetting the conditions each time). Summarize what occurs. Your objective is to try to have bacteria reduce the oil by 90% within 2 days from time zero. Does this happen? 2. Compute and record the crude population growth rate (e.g. number of bacteria at time t+12 minus the number at time t) for times t near the start of the experiment, in the middle when population size is the highest and towards the end. When is growth rate highest? 3. Compute and record the specific population growth rate (e.g. number of bacteria at time t+12 minus the number at time t divided by number at time t) for times t near the start of the experiment, in the middle when population size is the highest and towards the end. When is specific growth rate highest? Do you get the same qualtitative information from the specific growth rate as you do from the crude growth rate? 4. Vary the initial number of bacteria. How does this affect the time it requires to reduce the oil by 90%? 5. Vary the efficiency of each bacteria (amount of energy a bacteria gets froma drop of oil). How does this affect the time it requires to reduce the oil by 90%? 6. Summarize your findings and relate the terms "Intrinsic growth rate" and "Carrying capacity" to your observations. Part B: 1. Open the situation file Competitive Exclusion and run the situation a few times to see the response of rabbits (resetting the conditions each time). Summarize what occurs. Your objective is to see if you can develop conditions under which two or more rabbit species can coexist. Does this happen in these first simulations? Does one species win each simulation, or do different species win different times. 2. Vary the amount of resource (Lettuce) available by double- clicking on Lettuce in the Species Window, clicking on Settlement Parameters, and modifying the Number of Immigrants/Turn - this gives the number of Lettuce leaves added each time period. Does this affect the outcome of competition? Can you get more than one species to coexist by varying this? 3. Vary the initial number of one of the species of rabbits by double-clicking on one of the rabbit species, double clicking on Settlement Parms and changing the initial number of rabbits given by Number of Immigrants/Turn. Run the simulation a number of times - compare your results to those obtained in #1. 4. Vary the Action Parameters for one of the rabbit species, such as Speed, Cost of Living, etc. Rerun the simulations a number of times. Do two or more species coexist? 5. Add a new food resource (Carrots) by changing its Number of Immigrants/Turn to something greater than 0. Can you modify the action parameters of the rabbit species so that two or more species coexist now? 6. Summarize your findings and state clearly under what conditions you could get two more species to coexist. EcoBeaker Lab #2 March 10-13 Part A: Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis Part B: Island Biogeography Objectives: Part A: 1. Introduce concept of community succession as time course of change in species present in community and how this is measured by a diversity index . 2. Illustrate the effect of disturbance on succession. 3. Illustrate interdependence between disturbance frequency and magnitude in effect on successional patterns. Part B: 1. Illustrate island biogeography as equilibrium between colonization and extinction. 2. Allow students to determine the effects of island size and location relative to mainland on species colonization and extinction rates. 3. Allow students to determine the effects of island size and location relative to the mainland on which species are present on the island. Procedures: Part A: 1. Open the situation file Intermediate Disturbance and run the situation a few times to see the response of the community of plants (resetting the conditions each time). Summarize what occurs and how this is measured by the Simpson's Diversity Index. Your objective is to see how modifications of fire frequency and spread affect the successional pattern you observe. 2. Vary the chance of a fire starting to something above zero, and run the simulation a number of times. Each time, does the diversity index reach some relatively stable value? How does this value change as you change the chance of a fire starting and how does this diversity index relate to the bar chart showing the community composition? 3. Vary the rate of chance of a fire spreading and run the simulation a number of times. How does this affect the diversity index? 4. Try to develop values for the two fire parameters that lead to a community pattern in which all species are present at equal frequencies (e.g. the bar graph is flat). How does this affect the diversity index? Is there only one set of fire parameters which leads to this, or can you get a variety of different ones which each lead to a community pattern with all species present at equal frequency? 5. The Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis says that the highest community diversity typically occurs at intermediate levels of disturbance. State your opinion on this based upon your experimental results and back up your argument using the data you obtained. Part B: 1. Load the situation file Island Biogeography and run the simulation a few times to observe how the species on the island changes. Your objective will be to analyze how island size and position affect the number and type of species present. 2. Develop a method you feel is appropriate to estimate the number of species present on the island. To do this you may want to average the number present at particular times. Carefully write down the method you are using and then use it for all the below consistently. 3. Compute the number of species present on the island for a variety of choices of island size and location (e.g. distance from mainland). How does the number of species present depend on the island size and location? Illustrate your results with appropriate graphs. 4. Compute immigration and extinction rates for a variety of different island sizes and locations. These give the number of new species being added to the island per time period and the number of species present on the island going extinct each time period. Again you will need to develop a method to estimate these from the graphs and do it consistently. Describe your method and summarize how these rates were afected by island size and location. 5. Consider the species you found on the islands as you varied size and location. Was there any consistent pattern as to some species only present for large islands or ones far from the mainland or some present for small ones or ones near the mainland? Summarize your results here and give an hypothesis to explain your observations.