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Products of the NIMBioS Working Group:

Coalitions and Alliances


Bissonnette A, Perry S, Barrett L, Mitani JC, Flinn M, Gavrilets S, de Waal FBM. 2015. Coalitions in theory and reality: A review of pertinent variables and processes. Behaviour, 152(1): 1-56. [Online]

de Waal FBM, Gavrilets S. 2013. Monogamy with a purpose. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(38): 15167-15168. [Online]

Mesterton-Gibbons M, Sherratt TN. 2013. Signalling Victory to Ensure Dominance: A Continuous Model. In Cardaliaguet P and Cressman R (eds.), Advances in Dynamic Games, Part I, 12: 25-38. [Online]

Sherratt T, Mesterton-Gibbons M. 2013. Mathematical models of group or multi-party contests. In: Hardy ICW, Briffa M (eds.), Animal Contests, Cambridge University Press (in press). [Online]

Mesterton-Gibbons M, Sherratt TN. 2012. Divide and conquer: When and how should competitors share? Evolutionary Ecology, 26(4): 943-954. [Online]

Skyrms B. 2012. Aspects of naturalizing the social contract. In: Aoki M, Binmore K, Deakin S, Gintis H (eds.), Complexity and Aspects of naturalizing the social contractInstitutions: Markets, Norms and Corporations, pp. 124-145. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Mesterton-Gibbons M, Gavrilets S, Gravner J, Akcay E. 2011. Models of coalition or alliance formation. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 274: 187-204. [Online]

Mesterton-Gibbons M, Sherratt TN. 2011. Information, variance and cooperation: minimal models. Dynamic Games and Applications 1:419-439. [Online]


Perry S. 2012. Coalitions and alliances in wild capuchin monkeys. National Geographic Society. $22,000. Accepted.

Perry S. 2012. Grant: Coalitions and alliances in wild capuchins. Leakey Foundation, Lomas Barbudal, Costa Rica. $22,000. Accepted.

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From 2008 until early 2021, NIMBioS was supported by the National Science Foundation through NSF Award #DBI-1300426, with additional support from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
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