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Participant List for Mathematics of Planet Earth+ Workshop:
Education for the Planet Earth of Tomorrow, Sep 30 – Oct 2, 2015

Participant Institution
Jason Bintz Houghton College
*David Black The Groton School
Nicholas Boros Olivet Nazarene Univ.
*Carlos Castillo-Chavez Arizona State Univ.
*Carlos Castillo-Garsow Eastern Washington Univ.
Midge Cozzens Rutgers Univ.
*Barbara Cozzens Whistling Thorn Strategies
*Catherine Crawley NIMBioS
*Larisa DeSantis Vanderbilt Univ.
Carrie Diaz Eaton Unity College
Kate Evans Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Eugene Fiorini Muhlenberg College
Holly Gaff Old Dominion Univ.
*Wayne Getz Univ. of California, Berkeley
*Lou Gross Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville
Gabriela Hamerlinck BioQUEST
Kristin Jenkins BioQUEST
*John Jungck Univ. of Delaware
Scott Kulp Climate Central
Anarina Le Murillo Arizona State Univ.
Suzanne Lenhart Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville
Ben Levy Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville
*Joanne Logan Univ. of Tennessee
Marco Martinez North Central College
Samares Pal Kalyani Univ., INDIA
*Katrina Palmer Appalachian State Univ.
*Leslie Ries SESYNC
Fred Roberts Rutgers Univ.
Claudia Rodriguez Arizona State Univ.
*Christiane Rousseau Univ. of Montreal
Richard Schugart Western Kentucky Univ.
Greg Wiggins Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville
*Olivia Walch Univ. of Michigan
James Walsh Oberlin College
Andrea Weinberg Colorado State Univ.
*Jane White Univ. of Bath, England
Abdul-Aziz Yakubu Howard Univ.
*Mary Lou Zeeman Bowdoin College
*Speakers and Panelists

Updated 09/23/2015

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From 2008 until early 2021, NIMBioS was supported by the National Science Foundation through NSF Award #DBI-1300426, with additional support from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
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