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NIMBioS Visitor Calendar 2013

Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec

Dates Visitor Affiliation Project Collaborators
  January 2013
*Sep 2012 - Jan 2013*Matthew SpencerQuantitative Biology, Univ. of LiverpoolFrom short-term dynamics to long-term consequences in species-rich communities-
*Sep 2012 - Apr 2013*David GurarieMathematics, Center for Global Health and Diseases, Case Western Reserve Univ.Mathematical models of within-host parasite-immune dynamics with applications to malaria infection: data analysis and evolution of virulence-
1/13 - 1/20 Odo Diekmann Math. Institute, Utrecht Univ. NIMBioS Postdoctoral Fellows Invited Distinguished Visitor NIMBioS postdocs
1/15 - 1/18 Dan Blumstein Ecol. & Evol. Biology, UCLA The relationship between group size and individual distinctiveness in vocalizations of songbirds Arik Kershenbaum, Amiyaal Ilany, Todd Freeberg
1/23 - 1/28 Kailin Kroetz Environ. Sci. and Policy, UC Davis Direct democracy's role in species conservation Paul Armsworth
1/25 - 1/31 Michael Bode Botany, Univ. of Melbourne Optimal resolution of spatial management in ecosystems with complex dispersal patterns Paul Armsworth
1/28 - 1/31 Helene Muller-Landau Global Forest Carbon Res. Initiative, Smithsonian Tropical Res. Instit. NIMBioS Postdoctoral Fellows Invited Distinguished Visitor NIMBioS postdocs
  February 2013
*Sep 2012 - Apr 2013*David GurarieMathematics, Center for Global Health and Diseases, Case Western Reserve Univ.Mathematical models of within-host parasite-immune dynamics with applications to malaria infection: data analysis and evolution of virulence-
2/8 - 2/9 Philip Maini Ctr for Mathematical Biology, Oxford Univ. NIMBioS Postdoctoral Fellows Invited Distinguished Visitor Louis Gross, Suzanne Lenhart, NIMBioS postdocs
2/21 - 2/22 Kamuela Yong Mathematics & Statistical Sciences, Arizona State Univ. NIMBioS Postdoctoral Fellows Invited Distinguished Visitor Suzanne Lenhart, John New, NIMBioS postdocs
2/25 - 2/28 Ludec Berec Theoret. Ecol., Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic NIMBioS Postdoctoral Fellows Invited Distinguished Visitor NIMBioS postdocs
2/25 - 3/1 Patrick Ayscue College Vet. Med., Cornell Univ. Models appropriate for the study of pathogens exhibiting extra-host population dynamics Cristina Lanzas
  March 2013
*Sep 2012 - Apr 2013*David GurarieMathematics, Center for Global Health and Diseases, Case Western Reserve Univ.Mathematical models of within-host parasite-immune dynamics with applications to malaria infection: data analysis and evolution of virulence-
  April 2013
4/1 - 4/3 Reinhard Laubenbacher Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, Virginia Tech. Optimal Control for Agent-based Models Louis Gross, Suzanne Lenhart, NIMBioS postdocs
4/1 - 4/3 Gary An University of Chicago Medicine Optimal Control for Agent-based Models Louis Gross, Suzanne Lenhart, NIMBioS postdocs
4/1 - 4/3 René Salinas Mathematical Sciences, Appalachian State Univ. Optimal Control for Agent-based Models Louis Gross, Suzanne Lenhart, NIMBioS postdocs
4/7 - 4/13 Lisa Sattenspiel Anthropology, Univ. of Missouri Modeling pre-Columbian demographic processes in the Long House Valley, AZ Alan Swedlund, NIMBioS Leadership
4/7 - 4/13 Alan Swedlund Anthropology, Univ. of Massachusetts Modeling pre-Columbian demographic processes in the Long House Valley, AZ Lisa Sattenspiel NIMBioS Leadership
4/10 - 4/13 Karoun Bagamian Geography/Emerging Pathogens Instit., Univ. of Florida Agent-based model of deermouse behavior and Sin Nombre hantavirus transmission Carrie Manore, Mac Hyman
4/10 - 4/13 Carrie Manore Ctr. Computational Sci., Tulane Univ. Agent-based model of deermouse behavior and Sin Nombre hantavirus transmission Karoun Bagamian, Mac Hyman
4/10 - 4/13 Mac Hyman Ctr. Computational Sci., Tulane Univ. Agent-based model of deermouse behavior and Sin Nombre hantavirus transmission Karoun Bagamian, Carrie Manore
4/14 - 4/17 Tom Currie Anthropology, Unv. College London The evolution of social complexity: mathematical models of competing theories Peter Turchin, Sergey Gavrilets
  May 2013
*May-Jul 2013*Hong QinBiology, Spelman CollegeThe impact of power-law configuration and error tolerant features of gene networks on cellular aging-
5/18 - 5/25 Benito Chen Mathematics, Univ. of Texas, Arlington Coupling discrete fire and insect outbreak disturbances in forests Maria Leite
5/18 - 5/25 Maria Leite Mathematics & Stat., Univ. of Toledo Coupling discrete fire and insect outbreak disturbances in forests Benito Chen
5/27-5/31 Ruijun Zhao Mathematics and Stat., Minnesota State Univ. Investigating the control strategies of parasitic diseases Jemal Mohammed-Awel, Calistus Ngonghala
5/27 - 5/31 Jemal Mohammed-Awel Mathematics and Computer Sci., Valdosta State Univ. Investigating the control strategies of parasitic diseases Ruijun Zhao, Calistus Ngonghala
  June 2013
*May-Jul*Hong QinBiology, Spelman CollegeThe impact of power-law configuration and error tolerant features of gene networks on cellular aging-
6/14 - 7/24 Jeremy Karnowski Cognitive Science, UC San Diego Variation in bottlenose dolphin signature whistles Arik Kershenbaum, Todd Freeberg
6/24 - 7/1 Andrew C. Eller, Jr. USFWS Modeling Florida Panthers Jane Comiskey
  July 2013
*May-Jul *Hong QinBiology, Spelman CollegeThe impact of power-law configuration and error tolerant features of gene networks on cellular aging -
6/14 - 7/24 Jeremy Karnowski Cognitive Science, UC San Diego Variation in bottlenose dolphin signature whistles Arik Kershenbaum, Todd Freeberg
7/9 - 7/19 Erin Bodine Mathematics and Computer Science, Rhodes College Math for the Life Sciences and Optimal Genetic Augmentation Models Louis Gross, Suzanne Lenhart, Marco Martinez
7/12 - 7/17 Cécile Gotteland Univ. of Lyon From data to predictions of Toxoplasma gondii infections and environmental contamination in a rural site Maud Lelu, Xiaopeng Zhao
7/24 - 7/30 Matthew Glomski Mathematics, Marist College A structured population model for Marburg hemorrhagic fever with infectious-deceased class Calistus Ngonghala, Olivia Brozek
7/24 - 7/30 Olivia Brozek Mathematical Sciences, George Mason Univ. A structured population model for Marburg hemorrhagic fever with infectious-deceased class Calistus Ngonghala, Matthew Spencer
7/28 - 8/3 Alda Pires College of Veterinary Medicine, Michigan State Univ. Modeling the transmission dynamics of Salmonella spp in finishing pig herds Cristina Lanzas
  August 2013
7/28 - 8/3 Alda Pires College of Veterinary Medicine, Michigan State Univ. Modeling the transmission dynamics of Salmonella spp in finishing pig herds Cristina Lanzas
8/4 - 8/8 Brian Beckage Plant Biology, Univ. of Vermont Integrating human risk perception of global climate change into dynamic earth system models Louis Gross
8/14 - 8/24 Katia Vogt Geisse Mathematics, Purdue Univ. Investigating the effects of the vaccine RTS,S on malaria prevalence Calistus Ngonghala
8/28 - 11/30 **Inung Praharta Mathematics, Gadjah Mada Univ. Collaborate on development of a model of cervical cancer immunotherapy Steve Wise
  September 2013
8/28 - 11/30 **Inung Praharta Mathematics, Gadjah Mada Univ. Collaborate on development of a model of cervical cancer immunotherapy Steve Wise
9/2 - 11/27 *Kathleen Donohue Biology, Duke Univ. - -
9/2 - 5/30 *Jonathan Forde Mathematics & Computer Science, Hobart and William Smith College - -
9/2 - 12/15 *Allan Strand Biology, College of Charleston - -
9/20 - 9/22 Ruijun Zhao Mathematics and Stat., Minnesota State Univ. Investigating the control strategies of parasitic diseases Jemal Mohammed-Awel, Calistus Ngonghala
9/20 - 9/22 Jemal Mohammed-Awel Mathematics & Computer Science, Valdosta State Univ. Investigating the control strategies of parasitic diseases Ruijun Zhao, Calistus Ngonghala
  October 2013
8/28 - 11/30 **Inung Praharta Mathematics, Gadjah Mada Univ. Collaborate on development of a model of cervical cancer immunotherapy Steve Wise
9/2 - 11/27 *Kathleen Donohue Biology, Duke Univ. - -
9/2 - 5/30 *Jonathan Forde Mathematics & Computer Science, Hobart and William Smith College - -
9/2 - 12/15 *Allan Strand Biology, College of Charleston - -
10/21 - 10/25 Aaron Miller Biology, Univ. of Utah Modeling the population dynamics of the mammalian gut microbiota Chris Remien
10/23 - 10/25 Sarah Taft U.S. EPA Development and analysis of appropriate mathematical models for understanding low dose anthrax exposure in vivo and in vitro Judy Day, Megan Powell, Angela Reynolds
10/23 - 10/25 Megan Powell Univ. of St. Francis Development and analysis of appropriate mathematical models for understanding low dose anthrax exposure in vivo and in vitro Judy Day, Sarah Taft, Angela Reynolds
10/23 - 10/25 Angela Reynolds Virginia Commonwealth Univ. Development and analysis of appropriate mathematical models for understanding low dose anthrax exposure in vivo and in vitro Judy Day, Megan Powell, Sarah Taft
10/31 - 12/12 **Stephen Gang Wu Washington University in Saint Louis Investigating Fungal Rhizopus oryzae Growth and Morphology in Submerged Culture wiht Agent-based Modeling Shi Chen, Cristina Lanzas
  November 2013
8/28 - 11/30 **Inung Praharta Mathematics, Gadjah Mada Univ. Collaborate on development of a model of cervical cancer immunotherapy Steve Wise
10/31 - 12/12 **Stephen Gang Wu Washington University in Saint Louis Investigating Fungal Rhizopus oryzae Growth and Morphology in Submerged Culture wiht Agent-based Modeling Shi Chen, Cristina Lanzas
9/2 - 11/27 *Kathleen Donohue Biology, Duke Univ. - -
9/2 - 5/30 *Jonathan Forde Mathematics & Computer Science, Hobart and William Smith College - -
9/2 - 12/15 *Allan Strand Biology, College of Charleston - -
11/3 -11/8 Masakado Kawata Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Tohoku Univ., Japan Modeling the evolutionary diversification of Anolis lizards Sergey Gavrilets, Watal Iwasaki
11/3 -11/8 Watal Iwasaki Evolutionary Studies of Biosystems, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Sokendai, Japan Modeling the evolutionary diversification of Anolis lizards Sergey Gavrilets, Masakado Kawata
11/7 - 11/8 Brian Beckage Plant Biology, Univ. of Vermont Integrating human risk perception of global climate change into dynamic earth system models Lou Gross, Asim Zia, Sara Metcalf
11/7 - 11/8 Sara Metcalf SUNY Buffalo Integrating human risk perception of global climate change into dynamic earth system models Lou Gross, Asim Zia, Brian Beckage
11/19 - 11/21 Roger NisbetEcology, Evolution and Marine Biology, UC Santa Barbara NIMBioS Postdoctoral Fellows Invited Distinguished Visitor NIMBioS postdocs
11/21 - 11/26 Patrick O'Neill Biological Sciences, Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County Development of open source library for doubly intractable Markov Chain Monte Carlo problems in computational biology Russ Zaretski, Mike Gilchrist, Ivan Erill
11/21 - 11/22 Ivan Erill Biological Sciences, Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County Development of open source library for doubly intractable Markov Chain Monte Carlo problems in computational biology Russ Zaretski, Mike Gilchrist, Patrick O'Neill
  December 2013
10/31 - 12/12 **Stephen Gang Wu Washington University in Saint Louis Investigating Fungal Rhizopus oryzae Growth and Morphology in Submerged Culture with Agent-based Modeling Shi Chen, Cristina Lanzas
9/2 - 12/15 *Allan Strand Biology, College of Charleston - -
9/2 - 5/30 *Jonathan Forde Mathematics & Computer Science, Hobart and William Smith College - -
12/8 - 12/14 Sandy Kawano Biological Sciences, Clemson University Comparing linear vs. geometric morphometrics for studying phenotypic selection Darrin Hulsey, Brian O'Meara, Suzanne Lenhart
12/9 - 12/13 Richard Hall Odum School of Ecology, Univ. of Georgia Migratory network theory, monarch butterfly declines and response to environmental change Richard Hall, Sonia Altizer, Ryan Norris, Caz Taylor
12/9 - 12/13 Sonia Altizer Odum School of Ecology, Univ. of Georgia Migratory network theory, monarch butterfly declines and response to environmental change Richard Hall, Sonia Altizer, Ryan Norris, Caz Taylor
12/9 - 12/13 Ryan Norris Integrative Biology, Univ. of Guelph Migratory network theory, monarch butterfly declines and response to environmental change Richard Hall, Sonia Altizer, Ryan Norris, Caz Taylor
12/9 - 12/13 Caroline (Caz) Taylor Ecol. & Evol. Biology, Tulane Univ. Migratory network theory, monarch butterfly declines and response to environmental change Richard Hall, Sonia Altizer, Ryan Norris, Caz Taylor
12/16 - 12/20 Ariel Cintron-Arias Mathematics & Statistics, East Tennessee State Univ. Mathematical modeling of hepatitis B virus infection with therapy Suzanne Lenhart, Jon Forde

*Sabbatical Fellow
**Graduate Student Fellow

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From 2008 until early 2021, NIMBioS was supported by the National Science Foundation through NSF Award #DBI-1300426, with additional support from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
©2008-2021 National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis. All rights reserved.